Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Savva Orphanage Dec. B-Day party

Since we can't host a special Birthday party for each child, we have birthday parties for Savva, Ulan and Saramoldaeva orphanages once a month, celebrating birthdays for all children, in the given month.

In December, we went to the Savva orphanage, and celebrated birthdays for about 14 children.
We have cakes, snacks, candy and chips with soft drinks. We play games like Musical Chairs, 4 Corners and Hot Potato. We also have a time to give out gifts which are a package of school supplies. It's a lot of fun for the children and we really enjoy our time with them there.

We also take photos throughout the event and next month give out little photo albums for all the birthday children. They especially love letters and pictures.
How many of you get to have fun celebrating birthdays every month! We love doing that here. Wish you could join us.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ulan Orphanage New Year Gift Delivery!

Here, in Kazakhstan, New Years is the BIGGEST holiday of the year. So we decided to do something very special for the children at the Ulan orphanage. With a generous donation from back home we took the children shopping about a month ago, as I shared in an earlier blog, then took the gifts to the office to wrap and give for New Years! This was the day of giving those gifts back to the children.
It was such a joy to be a blessing to these children who have so much less than we do. In the first photo I am at a table helping the children to open and assemble their gifts. Their faces were filled with happiness.

Here, in the second photo, I am standing with my sponsored child Dina, after giving her a volley ball. She loves sports and since I am here it is easy for me to give her a personal gift.
We had so many children to visit and give gifts to that the other Interlink staff all came to help out. Thanks to all of you back home for helping to make this possible, and a special thanks to the family who donated these funds so the children could buy something special.